by Kazar's Electric | Feb 25, 2020 | Blog
Everyone runs into electrical problems from time to time. Maybe you have an overloaded circuit that trips a circuit breaker every time you run the microwave oven. Or maybe you have a bad outlet that occasionally stops working for no apparent reason. It can be tempting...
by Kazar's Electric | Feb 3, 2020 | Blog
Up to 82% of experts agree that a surge protector is a must-have for the protection of pricey equipment. Keeping electrical gadgets safe goes hand in hand with professional electrical design services. In addition to skills, other factors also come into play when...
by Kazar's Electric | Jan 31, 2020 | Blog
Did you know that electricity travels at the speed of light? That’s around 186,000 miles per second! Sometimes, though, it can feel like the electricity at your home is slacking off. Whether part of your home suddenly loses power, lights and appliances switch on and...
by Kazar's Electric | Jan 29, 2020 | Blog
Although Benjamin Franklin is the father of electricity, ancient Greeks started electrical experimentation roughly 2,000 years back. Fast forward to the 21st century, electric power is a must-have in many industries. Although electrical faults aren’t always serious,...
by Kazar's Electric | Jan 10, 2020 | Blog
Electricity is dangerous; not only can an electrical problem pose a risk of electrocution, but it can also spark an electrical fire. According to the U.S. Fire Administration (part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA), electrical problems cause about...
by Kazar's Electric | Jan 6, 2020 | Blog
The world of energy efficiency has been changing and growing for years now. Some incredible progress had been made in recent years to make creating energy efficient homes and buildings easier than ever. This is a wonderful thing for many reasons, not only for home and...