A restaurant electrical service will be able to help you find the right type of lighting for your restaurant, bar, bistro, or coffee shop. They can help you decide on the best type of lighting and the type of fixtures you will need. You will need to consider the type of restaurant, available space, color, and decor when you choose lighting. We will discuss types of lighting, factors to consider, and lighting fixtures used in the industry.
Types of Lighting for Your Restaurant
Ambient light is light from windows and lighting fixtures in the restaurant. It is one of the most popular types of lights used in restaurants. Accent lighting is bright lights that highlight a certain area of a room or around the bar. Task lighting may be lamps that hang over your tables and booths, the bar, or in the cocktail lounge, but it is not the only source of lighting in the room. These are the basic type of lighting for restaurants.
What to Consider When Choosing the Best Lighting
The available space you have is an important factor in choosing the right lighting. Lighting fixtures in the ceiling and on the wall work well for smaller spaces. What is the mood that you want the restaurant to convey? The color of the walls will determine the amount of light you need. Dark restaurants need more lighting so the customer can enjoy the interior. Try to place lights to avoid glare and create a certain mood. A restaurant electrical service will be able to discuss the best options for lighting inside and outside. Did you know that 82% of restaurant professionals think surge protection is important to protect lighting and equipment?
Popular Lighting Fixtures in Restaurants
Drop or suspended lights are popular in diners or restaurants with bars. They can be hung over tables to create ambient light. Chandeliers are found in high-end restaurants and catering businesses to create elegant decor inside. Wall lights are popular in all kinds of restaurants and are often the main source of lighting. A ceiling fan can brighten up the interior of casual restaurants and breweries by lighting larger areas and providing heating and cooling options. Track lighting is a track attached to the ceiling where you can attach small light bulbs or fixtures.
LED lights are brighter than traditional lights and last longer. Those businesses looking to save money should look into LED lighting. Recessed lighting is popular in bars. The lights can illuminate an area and be dimmed. There are utility lights for large restaurants and laser lights to create a feeling of excitement. The best type of lighting is the kind that sets and sustains the mood in your restaurant.
A restaurant electrical service can help you find the best lighting for your restaurant. Contact us today for an appointment to learn more about restaurant lighting.