Did you know buildings consume over 40% of the primary energy and 70% of the electricity produced in the U.S. annually? Performing an upgrade to your electrical wiring during renovations may help you cut on your expensive power bills. Besides, residential electrical services can help you comply with local and national electric codes.
6 Important Electrical Upgrades for Your Home
A home with faulty electrical connections is a major safety hazard. Electrical shocks and electrocutions can occur if you come into contact with exposed wiring. Here are some upgrades during your renovations that can help bring your building up to code.
1. Upgrading Electrical Panel
85% of homes in the US are more than four decades old. Most older homes were designed to use about 30 to 50 amps of power. Modern homes use four to five times as much power. Emergency electrical services can install a new power panel that meets the demands of contemporary life. You can eliminate the frequent light flickering and circuit breaker trips within your home.
2. Rework Your Electrical Wiring
Home renovations may involve tearing down of walls that may require rewiring of your home. You may take the opportunity to have electrical contractors in Tampa, Florida, to conduct a full inspection service on your wiring system. Older homes tend to have add-on circuits that increase the risk of electrical faults. Work with emergency electrical services to install new wires, switches, and circuits and keep your home safe.
3. Install GFCIs
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) are devices that switch off the power once an appliance comes into contact with moisture. The National Electrical Code recommends installing GFCIs in kitchens, bathrooms, basement, and outdoors and any other appliances stationed near water. Installation may require the skills of an expert electrical contractor.
4. Set Up a Charging Station
In today’s digital age, almost everyone owns at least one hand-held device that requires frequent charging. Demand for charging ports may lead to small ‘fights’ with an octopus on power bars plugged all over the home. A designated charging station can help keep all devices in one area, freeing other ports for other appliances.
5. Rethink Your Lighting
Lighting within any space is crucial for decoration and overall aesthetics. Switching to LED lighting may help you enjoy brighter lighting with less power consumption. It may help you save on your electricity bills. Advances in LED technologies have invented smart bulbs and tubes with warmer colors that enhance your home’s beauty.
6. Install a Structured Media Center
Smart home technologies are becoming increasingly popular within American homes. A plethora of devices, from TV sets, internet modules, and audio players to home security systems, interconnect for a fully-integrated smart home. A structural media center creates a central hub that houses all these devices. The wiring and media enclosure improves your home’s aesthetics as no wires are left strewn all over.
Consult Professional Electrical Emergency Services
It is important to remember that the amount of electricity passing through your home can injure or kill when mishandled. The risks may be higher for an ambitious DIYer who doesn’t follow the necessary safety protocols. Coordinate with your local electrical contractor for long term projects. However, you can call an emergency electrical service provider to work on the required upgrades if it a short term project.
Yes, outdated electrical panels should be replaced because it’s a big fire hazard. However, the panel’s age is only one of many factors to consider.
Look into these signs to find out whether your panel needs replacement: https://servicetoday247.com/the-top-10-signs-it-s-time-to-replace-your-elect/.